

Resolution of singularities, valuation theory and related topics A celebration of the 63rd birthday of Mark Spivakovsky
The automorphism group of a valued field
UNAM, Morelia, Mexiko, 5. - 9. August 2024

86. Oberwolfach Workshop: Polynomial Optimization for Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Oberwolfach, 28. Juli - 2. August 2024

Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres de Nancy-Metz
Institut Élie Cartan, Nancy, 30. Mai 2024

84. Séminaire Général de Logique
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche, Paris, 27. Mai 2024
83. The Exponential Logarithmic Power Series Fields
Séminaire de Mathématiques et Colloquium
Université Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse, 21. März 2024

The valuation difference rank of a quasi-ordered difference field
- We thank Franziska Jahnke for taking these notes during the talk -
Young Women in Model Theory and Applications

Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
Bonn, 11. - 14. März 2024


Positive Polynomials and Moment Problems
Frankfurter Seminar - Kolloquium des Instituts für Mathematik
Goethe -Universität Frankfurt, 12. Dezember 2023

80. Polynomial Optimization
POP23 - Future Trends in Polynomial OPtimization
Toulouse, 13. - 17. November 2023

The automorphism group of a valued Hahn field
Online Logic Seminar
Southern Illinois University, 26. Oktober 2023

78. Moment Problems and Applications
IWOTA 2023 - 34th International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications
Helsinki, 31. Juli - 04. August 2023
77. Moment problem for algebras generated by a nuclear space
Banff International Research Station (BIRS) for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery,
Banff, 23. Mai 2023
76. Generalised power series determined by linear recurrence relations
Séminaire Structures algébriques ordonnées,
Institute de Mathématique de Jussieu-Paris-Rive-Gauche,
Paris, 28. März 2023
75. A Tale of Two Cones: PSD vs SOS in equivariant situations
Invited Session “Moment Problems, Convex Algebraic Geometry, and Semidefinite
MTNS 2022 - 25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems
Bayreuth, Germany, 15. September 2022

Truncated and Full Moment Problems and Applications
IWOTA 2022 - International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications
Krakow, Poland, 09. September 2022

73. The generalised truncated Moment Problem
POEMA (Polynomial Optimization, Efficiency through Moments and Algebra) Final Workshop
Paris, 05. September 2022
72. Trends in ring theory and related topics
European Women in Mathematics General Meeting
Aalto University, Finnland, August 2022
71. Distinguished Subfields of Hahn Fields

Séminaire Structures algébriques ordonnées, Institute de
Mathématique de Jussieu-Paris-Rive-Gauche, 22. März 2022

70. The Analogues of Hilbert's 1888 Theorem for Symmetric and Even Symmetric Forms
Newcastle Functional Analysis Seminar, 23. November 2021

On Rayner Structures
Séminaire structures algébriques ordonnées, Institut de
Mathématique de Jussieu-Paris-Rive-Gauche, 23. März 2021


Strongly NIP almost real closed fields
Models and Sets Seminar Series, University of Leeds,
13. Januar 2021


On ordered fields dense in their real closure and definable valuations
Valuation Theory Seminar in MSRI Semester "Decidability, Definability and Computability in Number Theory",
9. Dezember 2020


The Moment Problem for the Polynomial Algebra in infinitely many variables
Invited Lecture at the POEMA Workshop, 26. November 2020


Projective limit techniques for Positivstellensätze
Séminaire de structures algébriques ordonnées
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche, 18. Februar 2020


From finite to infinite dimensional moment problems
Department of Mathematics, Ben Gurion University of Negev, 7. Januar 2020


Fields of Generalized Power Series (the mysteries and obstacles around formal summability)
Workshop: "Noncommutative Analysis, Computational Complexity, and Quantum Information"
Harvard University, Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 18. Oktober 2019


Ask Bruce for a Form a Day keeps the Doctor Away or Analogues of Hilbert's 1888 for Symmetric (LAA 2016) and Even Symmetric Forms (JPAA 2017)
Bruce Reznick 66 fest: A mensch of Combinatorial-Algebraic Mathematics
Universität Bern, 8. Juli 2019


Geometry of Real Polynomials, Convexity and Optimization (19w5180)
Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery, Banff, Kanada, 26. Mai - 31. Mai 2019


Automorphism groups of fields of generalised series
Edinburgh Mathematical Society meeting
University of Aberdeen, 24. Mai 2019


Ordered fields dense in their real closure and definable convex valuations
Séminaire de structures algébriques ordonnées
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche, 14. Mai 2019


Automorphism groups of Hahn groups and fields
Workshop "Dynamical systems and beyond 2019"
Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa, Italien, 25. März 2019


Strongly NIP almost real closed fields
Séminaire théorie des modèles et groupes, Université Paris Diderot, Frankreich, 12. März 2019


On ordered fields dense in their real closure
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, 17. Februar 2019


On ordered fields dense in their real closure and definable convex valuations
British postgraduate model theory conference
University of Manchester, 16. Januar 2019


Real closed fields and Peano arithmetic
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse,Frankreich, 7. Oktober 2018


Positive polynomials and moment problems
Multidisciplinary Optimization Seminar in Toulouse, Frankreich, 1. Oktober 2018


Positive polynomials and moments problem
Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux IMB, 28. September 2018


The moment problem for infinite dimensional spaces
Mini-Symposium in Real Algebraic Geometry in Action
18th General Meeting of the European Women in Mathematics, Universität Graz, 7. September 2018
Geändertes Programm - siehe Seite 15


From Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem to Real Algebra
Mini-Symposium in Mathematical Logic
18th General Meeting of the European Women in Mathematics, Universität Graz, 3. September 2018


The Moment problem for infinite dimensional spaces
International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications
East China Normal University, Shanghai 23.-27. Juli 2018


The Moment problem for the real polynomial algebra in infinitely many variables
The 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong 16-20. Juli 2018


From Hilbert's 17th Problem to Infinite Dimensional Moment Problems
Meeting of North British Functional Analysis Seminar (NBFAS)
University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 29. Mai 2018


Real closed fields and models of Peano arithmetic
Seminarios de Álgebra Conmutativa-Geometría Algebraica y Aritmética UAM-ICMAT
Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Madrid, Spanien, 18. Mai 2018


Automorphism groups of lexicographically ordered chains, Hahn groups and fields
Research workshop of the Israel Science Foundation
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, 23. April 2018


Differential valued fields of kappa-bounded generalized power series
Institut Henri Poincaré
Paris, Frankreich, 28. Februar 2018


Groupes abéliens divisibles ordonnés ayant la propriété de relèvement
Institut des Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche
Frankreich, 10. Oktober 2017


k-bounded exponential groups and exponential-logarithmic power series fields without log-atomic elements
XXVI incontro dell'Associazione Italiana di Logica e sue Applicazioni
Padova, Italien, 27. September 2017


Kappa-bounded exponential groups and exponential-logarithmic power series fields without log-atomic elements
Institut des Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche
Frankreich, 14. März 2017


The Baer-Krull Theorem for Quasi-ordered fields
Seminar in Logic, Set Theory and Topology
Ben Gurion University, Israel, 3. Januar 2017


Moment problem for symmetric algebras of locally convex spaces
22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA, 14. Juli 2016


Quasi-Orders: a uniform approach to orders and valuations
DMV-GAMM Tagung 2016
Braunschweig, 9. März 2016


Real Closed Fields and Models of Peano Arithmetic
Logic Seminar at Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford, 3. März 2016


New Pathways between Group Theory and Model Theory
A conference in memory of Rüdiger Göbel (1940 - 2014)
Mülheim an der Ruhr, 2. Februar 2016


Exponential-logarithmic power series fields and the surreal numbers
AMS.MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings
Seattle, USA, 8. Januar 2016


Quasi-order-minimality: a uniform approach to o-minimality, C-minimality, p-minimality and variants thereof
Seminar in Logic, Set Theory and Topology
Ben Gurion University, Israel, 29. Dezember 2015


Real Closed Fields and Models of Peano Arithmetic
Conference: Ordered Algebraic Structures and Related Topics
Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques, Marseille, 13. Oktober 2015


Quasi-Orderings: a uniform approach to orderings and valuations
First Joint International Meeting of the Israel Mathematical Union and the Mexican Mathematical Society
Algebraic Geometry Session - Instituto Tecnologico de Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico, 07.-11. September 2015


Power series expansions for germs in Hardy fields of o-minimal expansions of real closed fields
Workshop: O-Minimality and Applications
University of Konstanz, 23. Juli 2015


Moment problem in infinitely many variables
IWOTA 2015 - International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Tbilisi, Georgia, 06.-10. Juli 2015


Application of the Archimedean Positivstellensatz to locally multiplicatively convex real algebras
EWM German Chapter, Schloss Rauischholzhausen, 30.04. - 02.05.2015


On the value group of a model of Peano arithmetic
BGU Logic and Set Theoretic Topology Seminar, Ben Gurion University, Israel, 31. Dezember 2014


Extension of Hilbert's 1888 theorem to Even Symmetric Forms
Math & Stats Colloquium, University of Saskatchewan, Kanada, 12. September 2014


Test Sets for Positivity of Invariant Forms and Applications to Sums of Squares Representations
IWOTA 2014, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 15. Juli 2014


Application of the Archimedean Positivstellensatz to locally multiplicatively convex real algebras
Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems
Groningen, The Netherlands, 10. Juli 2014


The multidimensional moment problem
Polyhedra, Lattices, Algebra, and Moments (Conference/Workshop/Tutorials),
Institute of Mathematical Science, National University of Singapore, 13. Januar 2014


Application of Jacobi's Representation Theorem to localy multiplicatively convex topological real algebras
IWOTA 2013, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 19. Dezember 2013


Real closed fields and models of Peano arithmetic
Séminaire général de logique, Université de Paris 7, UFR de Mathematiques, 25. November 2013


The difference rank of a valued difference field
Model Theory of Fields, University Mons, 18. November 2013


Real closed fields and models of Peano arithmetic
Midwest Model Theory Day, University of Illinois at Chicago, 22. Oktober 2013


The valuation difference Rank of an ordered field
Algebra and Logic Seminar, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Saskatchewan, 9. Oktober 2013


Fields of generalized power series
Colloquium, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Saskatchewan, 4. Oktober 2013


The valuation difference rank of a difference field
Logic Seminar - HUJ, 2. Januar 2013


Fields for generalized power series
Colloquium Logicum 2012, 13.-15. September 2012, Paderborn


Positivity, sums of squares and the moment problem
Special Session on "Operator theory, function theory, and linear systems"
IWOTA 2012, 16.-20. Juli 2012 Sydney, Austeralien


The Moment Problem for Continuous Linear Functionals


Convex valuations on ordered fields, with particular emphasis on fields of generalised power series


The General Moment Problem


Closures of quadratic modules in locally convex topologies


Valued Differential Fields


Exponential Logarithmic Series Fields


An uncountable family of logarithmic functions of distinct growth rates


Positivity in power series rings


Positive Polynomials on Projective Limits of Algebraic Varieties


Differential Fields of $\kappa$-bounded Series
DVI-Datei    Postscript-Datei


Approximation of Positive Polynomials by Sums of Squares
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Positive Polynomials and Invariant Theory
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The Invariant Moment Problem
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Lexicographische Exponentiation angeordneter Mengen
Deutsche Version
DVI-Datei    Postscript-Datei


Lexicographic Exponentiation of chains
Englische Version
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 Stand: 08. August 2024