International Office

Making connections: Using LinkedIn for your job search

Montag, 17. Juni 2024
15:15 bis 16:45 Uhr


Veranstaltet von
Career Service, Universität Konstanz

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Eva Maisel, Career Service, Universität Konstanz

LinkedIn - every job seeker has certainly heard of this online business network. Yet many believe that LinkedIn can only help the careers of those who are already well connected. This session will show you that this is not true, and LinkedIn has a number of features that hold potential for the job search of students and young professionals.

Learn how to create an impactful profile, connect with industry professionals, and leverage the platform both for your career orientation and for effective job searches. You will also get insights how HR professionals are using LinkedIn to find potential employees. During all of this, we will not shy away from exploring the critical aspects of a platform like LinkedIn as well.

Of course, this event is also an excellent preparation for the annual career day kontaktpunkt of the University of Konstanz, which will take place this year on Wednesday, 19. June 2024.

Find more information on exhibitors and the supporting programme at

You do not need to register. Just click here on Monday, 17 June at 3.15 pm.

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