p-adicaly closed fields
Seminar 2-std. - ECTS: 6
The aim of this seminar is to prove quantifier elimination for Q_p in the language of rings extended by a unary predicate for nth powers. This result is the p-adic equivalent of the Tarski-Seidenberg theorem for the real ordered field (quantifier elimination for the theory of real closed fields). The underlying algebraic theory used to achieve this result is the theory of p-valued fields. In the analysis of Q_p, p-valued fields should be seen as parallel to ordered field in the analysis of R.
Knowledge of Valuation theory and Model theory will be helpful, however Dr. Lorna Gregory will present a summary of the necessary background material.
This seminar will follow the book "Formally p-adic Fields" by Prestel and Roquette, covering the first 5 chapters. The material will be organised into 14 seminars.
Zielgruppe: BA, MA, D für Studierende des 5., 7. und 9. Semesters
Mitarbeit: Lorna Gregory
Zeit: Di. 14:00-16:00
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