Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence

Welcome to the homepage of the open science initiative Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence!

Our open science initiative emerged from the interdisciplinary transfer project Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence, which was carried out at the University of Konstanz from November 2019 to May 2024.

The aim of the transfer project was to disseminate knowledge and expertise from university to society. We focused on conveying topics related to the basics and applications of algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI). Through workshops, seminars and talks, our team fostered social dialogue on these highly relevant and forward-looking technologies.

The project's events were mainly funded by the Vector Stiftung as part of the research project Fundamental Limits of Learning Processes in Artificial Neural Networks research project, but also by numerous other foundations and institutions. Through our 21 school workshops, 6 seminars and 5 teacher trainings, we reached 476 school students and 298 teachers during the project period. A total of 15 schools and 10 other educational institutions benefited from our program. 

We are very proud and happy that our project was honored with the Yerun Open Science Award 2023. For their great help, we would like to thank all students, teachers, schools and sponsors who have supported and continue to support our open science approaches.

In May 2024, the transfer project developed into an open science initiative. By orienting its work on the open science principles and devoting itself in particular to science communication, our team is continuing the ideas of the transfer project. Our offers will continue to be implemented within the framework of the Mathe Initiative Bodensee (English: Lake Constance Math Initiative) and the Lake Constance local group of KI macht Schule (English: AI Goes to School), which you can contact directly if you are interested.

As we continue our involvement in other projects, the content of this homepage will largely remain as it was in May 2024.

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