Seminar in Empirical Microeconomics - The Impact of Female Teachers on Female Students' Lifetime Well-Being

Thursday, 20. June 2024
12:00 - 13:15


Chair of Applied Microeconomics

Seth Sanders (Cornell University)

The Impact of Female Teachers on Female Students' Lifetime Well-Being

David Card (UC Berkeley), Ciprian Domnisoru (Aalto University), Seth Sanders (Cornell University), Lowell Taylor (Carnegie Mellon University), Victoria Udalova (US Census Bureau)

Abstract: It is widely believed that female teachers can serve as positive role models for female students, particularly for talented students who otherwise have few role models with whom they identify. We study educational achievement in rural areas of the US circa 1940-a context in which few female exemplars held professional positions in society-and find that girls were more successful when their primary-school teachers were disproportionately female. Impacts are lifelong: female students taught by female teachers were more likely to move up the educational ladder-more likely to complete high school and attend college-and had higher lifetime family income and increased longevity.

