OS Reelle Geometrie und Algebra: Sagbi combinatorics of maximal minors and a Sagbi algorithm

Freitag, 19. Mai 2023
13:30 bis 15 Uhr


Veranstaltet von
Mateusz Michalek

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Winfried Bruns

The maximal minors of a matrix of indeterminates are a universal Gröbner basis by a theorem of Bernstein, Sturmfels and Zelevinsky. On the other hand it is known that they are not always a universal Sagbi basis. By an experimental approach we discuss their behavior under varying monomial orders and their extensions to Sagbi bases. These experiments motivated a new implementation of the Sagbi algorithm which is organized in a Singular script and falls back on Normaliz for the combinatorial computations. In comparison to packages in the current standard distributions of Macaulay 2 and Singular it extends the range of computability by at least one order of magnitude.