ZKF Public Talk: Collapsonaut’s Manual for Challenging our Intra-structures

Wednesday, 12. July 2023
17:30 - 19:00

Bischofsvilla + online

Centre for Cultural Inquiry (ZKF)

Dr. Jacopo Rasmi, Université de Jean Monnet, Saint-Étienne

Dr. Jeannine-Madeleine Fischer, Dr. Philipp Lammers

The problem of infrastructure is at the heart of one of the most important and controversial fields of contemporary French environmental theory named “collapsology”, i.e. the “science of the upcoming collapse”. Drawing on my research on the concepts and the scenarios of collapsology and interdisciplinary thinkers (Karen Barad, Tim Ingold…), I will first reframe such a problem by replacing the concept of “infra-structure” with the idea of “intra-structure”. This shift allows us to have a more ecological and delicate understanding of the communication and supply technologies that found our living environments rather than merely connect independent ecosystems. Secondly, I will discuss some “collapsonaut” approaches that question and transform the current state of our risky intra-structural organization from within: inquiring and dismantling; fugitive planning and under-commoning ; explorative and generative tooling for shared choice and narration.


  • Emmanuel Bonnet, Diego Landivar, Alexandre Monnet. Heritage et fermeture. Une ecologie du demantelement. Divergences : Paris, 2021.
  • Yves Citton & Jacopo Rasmi, Générations Collapsonautes. Naviguer par temps d’effondrement, Seuil : Paris, 2020.
  • Stefano Harney & Fred Moten, The Undercommons. Fugitive Planning & Black Study. Minor Composition: Wivenhoe, 2013.
  • Zoé Sofia, “Exterminating fetuses: abortion, disarmament, and the sexo-semiotics of extraterrestrialism”, Diacritics, n° 14 (2).
  • Isabelle Stengers, Reactiver le sense commun. La decouverte: Paris, 2020.


Depending on the situations and encounters, Jacopo Rasmi is teacher, researcher, student, writer, curator, spectator… He is currently lecturer in Italian Studies and Visual Arts at the Université Jean Monnet (Saint Etienne, France) and has recently published the books Generations Collapsonautes. Naviguer par temps d’effondrements (with Yves Citton, 2020) and Le hors-champ est dedans ! Michelangelo Frammartino, ecologie, cinéma (2021). His researches deal with non-fiction cinema, ecological theories and alternative infrastructure of cultural distribution.

Meeting-ID: 915 3170 7702

Contact: zkf@uni-konstanz.de
