Seminar in Empirical Microeconomics - Use of Reentry Support Services and Recidivism: a Field Experiment Varying Dosage

Thursday, 23. May 2024
12:00 - 13:15


Chair of Applied Microeconomics

Ragan Petrie (Texas A&M University)

Use of Reentry Support Services and Recidivism: a Field Experiment Varying Dosage

(Marco Castillo, Sera Linardi, Ragan Petrie)

Abstract: Many previously incarcerated individuals are rearrested in the months and years following release from prison. We investigate whether encouragement to use reentry support services reduces rearrest. Field experiment participants are offered a monetary incentive to complete different dosages of visits, either three or five, to a support service
provider. The incentive groups increased visits compared to the control group, with those in the 3-visit treatment completing the most. Intent-to-treat effects on rearrest are null in the full sample, but Black participants who complete 3-4 visits are 21.8 percentage points less likely to be rearrested.

