KWIM & RGA SS24: Algebraic degrees of phylogenetic varieties

Friday, 12. July 2024
13:30 - 15:00


Prof. Dr. Mateusz Michalek & KWIM

Dr. Rodica Dinu (University of Konstanz)

This event is part of an event series „Konstanz Women in Mathematics Lecture Series“.

Group-based models appear in algebraic statistics as mathematical models coming from evolutionary biology, namely in the study of mutations of genomes. Motivated also by applications, we are interested in studying the algebraic degrees of the phylogenetic varieties coming from these models. These algebraic degrees are called phylogenetic degrees. In this talk, we present concrete results on the phylogenetic degrees of the variety XG,n with G{ℤ2, ℤ2 × ℤ2, 3} and any n-claw tree. As these varieties are toric, computing their phylogenetic degree relies on computing the volume of their associated
polytopes PG,n. We present combinatorial methods used in our work and we give explicit formulas for these volumes. This talk is based on a joint work with Martin Vodicka.
