Sport und Kultur | Veranstaltung für Studieninteressierte | Workshops und Schulungen | Sonstiges | Führungen | Veranstaltung für Studierende

Bikeride to the "Überlinger Weltacker"

Thursday, 23. June 2022
12:00 - 16:00

Fahrradwerkstatt Uni Konstanz

ESN | Green Office


This event is part of an event series „Nachhaltigkeitstage im SoSe 2022“.

After cycling to Überlingen together, we will get a guided tour across the field and do a little workshop called "Zukunftswerkstatt" (future workshop).

We will start our tour at the Fahrradwerkstatt Uni Konstanz. Join us!

If you are interested in this and the other offers of the Sustainability Days, you can register here.

For more information, check out our social media platforms!
